At this new phase of the 1968 Chevy Resto-Mod project, the process begins with prepping the cab and bed to identify metal fatigue and rust on all surfaces. Rigorous attention is especially required for those areas of over lapping metal, tight access channels between the fire wall and the dash and rocker panels are prime examples. The cab was completely disassembled down to the bare mental, and then media blasted which revealed areas that will require new metal replacement parts and some levels of custom fabrication.
At this juncture, the value of media blasting is note worthy for it reveals significant rust and deteriorated metal within the area between the firewall and dash(see photo #3). Considering the age of this vehicle and the known problems of early C10 manufacturing techniques, it is not uncommon to have these rust issues. The photograph below, highlights the rusted sections that will require detailed metal fabrication. Our metal shop technicians will outline a course of action which will utilize a combination of available replacement panels and custom fabrication. For any project that requires metal replacement, after market components and kits are available. The cost factor can be reasonable and most producers are accurate by using OEM dimensions to replicate parts.
The interior of this cab was in good condition; however, small spaces of rust along the perimeter of the floor pans and foot boards required attention(see photo #4). Two methods could be employed at this point; fabricate various sized panels or purchase a new complete one-piece floor pan which includes foot boards. After reviewing his options and a very candid discussion with our technicians, our client decided to replace the entire floor pan of his C10.
To see the previous Stages of the Chevy C10 , see Stage 1 and Stage 2